We and our guests enjoyed the trip on the 100 y.o. Tram from Port Soller to Soller and the old train from Soller to Palma was great as well. The girls not only liked the cathedral of Palma but also the shoe shops downtown. I think we got more than enough of civilization so now we will have a good time sailing and relaxing out in the tranquility of the smaller islands of Formentera and Espalmador.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Friday, August 26, 2011
Neuigkeiten /News
Da es in Italien leider kaum kostenloses Internet gibt haben wir jetzt einige Zeit gebraucht um wieder was zu veroeffentlichen. Inzwischen sind wir in Mallorca angelangt und fahren bald weiter nach Formentera. Unsere ersten Besucher hatten - so wie wir - eine schoene Zeit an Bord und das Wetter und der Segelwind waren immer fein.
There is no free internet in Italy so it took some time to get new posts. Meamnwhile we are in Majorca and we are sailing down to Formentera in the next few days. We had a lot of fun with all our visitors, the weather was fine and the wind was great.
Segeln / Sailing
Fischen / Fishing
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