Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Route 2009
Unbenannt auf einer größeren Karte anzeigen
TOTAL 1656 sm
Monday, October 12, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wir haben doch noch eine kleinere Insel Pserimos leben im Winter nur 21 Leute und wir waren wieder mal das einzige Boot im Hafen. Was da auf der Karte ist sind Wanderwege und keine Strassen!
We found an even smaller island.....just 21 peole live there in the winter and Onotoa was the only boat in the harbour. What you can see on the map are walking paths and not streets!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Parasail No.2
Endlich war der richtige Wind fuer unseren Parasail und die 120 m2 haben uns von Lipsi an Leros vorbei in den Hafen von Vathy/Kalymnos getragen. Auch der liebe Viktor (unser Autopilot) hatte mit ihm keine Probleme, sonst ist er ja leider sehr stoerrisch, zumindest bei Wind ueber 15kn aber er wird seine neue Hydraulikpumpe ja bald bekommen.
Finally we got the right wind for our 120sqm Parasail and we had a great day sailing from Lipsi via Leros to the port of Vathy/Kalymnos. Even Victor our Autopilot loved sailing with the Parasail, he just fails when the windspeed is above 15kn but he will get a new hydraulic pump asap.
Finally we got the right wind for our 120sqm Parasail and we had a great day sailing from Lipsi via Leros to the port of Vathy/Kalymnos. Even Victor our Autopilot loved sailing with the Parasail, he just fails when the windspeed is above 15kn but he will get a new hydraulic pump asap.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wer aber doch in Agathonissi zu viel Trubel hat muss weiter nach Arki, dort leben (im Winter) nur 40 Leute, im Sommer gibt’s drei Tavernen und einen Minimarkt mit ca. 10 m2 Konservendosen. Das Wort „Minimarkt“ wurde sicher in Arki erfunden.
If you have too much stress in Agathonissi you must travel to Arki, in the wintertime just 40 people live there, during “high season” in summer three tavernas and one minimarket which has just tins on about 10 sqm are open. So you can imagine that the word “Minimarket” was created in Arki.
If you have too much stress in Agathonissi you must travel to Arki, in the wintertime just 40 people live there, during “high season” in summer three tavernas and one minimarket which has just tins on about 10 sqm are open. So you can imagine that the word “Minimarket” was created in Arki.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Monday, August 31, 2009
Ein Bauer der auch eine Taverne hat und dort gibt´s zum Essen Fisch oder Ziege, kein Strom kein Handyempfang, kein Internet …… danke an Michi Peters fuer den guten Tipp!
One farmer who also runs a taverna, you can have either fish or goat, there is no electricity or cell phone or internet on the island……thanks to Michael Peters for the information about Levitha!
One farmer who also runs a taverna, you can have either fish or goat, there is no electricity or cell phone or internet on the island……thanks to Michael Peters for the information about Levitha!
Alle Photos sind von Franz - danke! All pics are made by Franz, thanks!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
Vor 24 Jahren waren wir hier auf Hochzeitsreise, mit unseren lieben Freunden Peter+Monika haben wir jetzt wieder eine schöne Zeit hier verbracht, wir sind aus Santorin über Anaphi nach Astypaleia und wieder zurück nach Anaphi gesegelt und hatten immer viel Wind.
24 years ago we had been to Astypaleia on our honeymoon vacation, now we spent some days here again with our good friends Peter+Monika. We sailed with them from Santorini via Anaphi to Astypaleia and back to Anaphi and we always had strong winds.
24 years ago we had been to Astypaleia on our honeymoon vacation, now we spent some days here again with our good friends Peter+Monika. We sailed with them from Santorini via Anaphi to Astypaleia and back to Anaphi and we always had strong winds.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Anaphi - Parasail

The main city on many small cycladic islands (its always named CHORA) is situated on the top of a mountain to get protection the from pirates (no i am not kidding), so its a long walk to get fresh bread in the morning.The wind slowed down so we were able to make a test sail with our new Parasail (120sqm) in Anaphi. Franz from the Bright Star discussing with Sylvias father, we enjoyed his visit very much.
Saturday, August 1, 2009
sikinos - santorin
Nur wenige Seemeilen voneinander entfernt und doch so ein Unterschied. Die karge, fast menschenleere Einsamkeit von Sikinos und der Rummel in Santorin. Natürlich war es phantastisch durch den riesigen Krater von Santorin zu segeln, wir hatten wieder einmal tollen Wind.
Just a few miles apart but what a difference. The wild loneliness of Sikinos and the busy crowd of Santorini. It was fantastic to sail through the vulcano of Santorini, sure that we again had very good winds.
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